Letters to the Editor July 26
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Jul 26, 2021 ⢠42 minutes ago ⢠2 minute read ⢠Join the conversation
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Article contentMr. Trudeau et al., your 2015 commitment and promise to be the most transparent government ever has proven to be exactly the opposite. You and your federal Liberal friends are the least transparent government in our history. You have evaded and avoided all of our questions about WE Charity, SNC, military sexual misconduct, deficit spending, First Nations, and China. You have prorogued Parliament. You have shut down committees. You have redacted just about everything asked of you. You have been less than truthful about a whole range of topics. You have maintained (successfully) your woke, progressive image despite all evidence to the contrary. You called us racist when we asked questions about COVID-19 and its roots in Wuhan â" now we want you to answer questions about the Winnipeg lab and the actions of the scientists who worked there. What was sent to China? Who knew about it? Who approved it? What risks were created to humanity? Why are you covering this up and challenging everyone in your path? If you please.
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Article contentDon Leschuk
(In a very short space, you have managed to sum up too many of Trudeauâs scandals. And as for this latest attempt to try to get some answers regarding what happened in Winnipeg, we are not holding our breath. But Canadians deserve better)
Re Churches burned and vandalized and statues toppled and destroyed: Where were the police or legislative security when these criminal acts were committed? I think an overhaul of both organizations is needed immediately, or we can continue to let the inmates run the asylum. The police make a stupid after-the-fact statement about sensitive situations and vandalism is illegal â" oh boy, that will stop the anarchy and damage. The police are paid to uphold the law, not stand by and watch hate crimes being committed against the Catholic church because they might offend someoneâs sensitivities. Fire them all at the top and bring in actual police officers who understand what their job is and thatâs to protect society from the troublemakers and criminals, no matter what is prompting the crimes. Even the Indigenous chiefs oppose the damage and violence being committed because the majority of people creating the damage are not Native, but holier-than-thou white people looking for a cause. None of these idiots are doing anything to further peace and reconciliation over the past history because they do not want it to end. The more damage they cause, the more bad the feelings will be generated against Indigenous people.
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Article contentDan OâBrien
(Itâs not up to them to determine which laws they enforce and those they donât)
Re âPremier says no vax passports or mandatory shots in Ontarioâ (Antonella Artuso, July 16): Premier Doug Ford may have the licence to dawdle in situational ethics and relative morality, but in medical concerns where there is no eraser on the end of a scalpel, the absolute of death resulting from COVID-19 transcends political posturing. The only societal split that matters involving vaccinations is life and death.
Douglas Martin
(Perhaps, but still, the premier isnât wrong)
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