Watchdog Uganda

Watchdog Uganda Latest News in Uganda and the rest of East African Region, Daily news and business from Uganda. Sun, 15 Aug 2021 11:13:10 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Watchdog Uganda 32 32 Tamale Mirundi reveals why government should be very careful while dealing with Lumbuye issues Sun, 15 Aug 2021 11:13:10 +0000 Former Senior Presidential Press Secretary Joseph Tamale Mirundi has warned government not to rash while dealing with the issue of the embattled Turkey based Ugandan blogger Fred Lumbuye.

During an interview with local YouTube channel-Online Media Uganda on Saturday, Mirundi said even if government arrests, tortures or silences Lumbuye, there will always be another version of him who will also give them (government) headache.

“You can’t just wake up and fight someone who has a following of 120,000 people plus. Such a man is not a fool. In fact, the government is lucky that they have this man. This is now a new wave for those not happy with the government to create other people like Lumbuye because they have discovered that such talks like that of Lumbuye annoy the government,” the controversial political analyst noted.

“…. therefore arresting Lumbuye would mean that his talks are authentic. Government must also inquire from its intelligence who is behind this man and why his message is loved by such big number of people. And the government should be very careful by not handling this issue lightly.Now that you have oppressed people to their bone marrow, they have lost trust in credible people, they are trusting people like Lumbuye, and I don’t think that it’s walk over because I’m sure people who have been sponsoring him are here, therefore they will create millions of Lumbuye. Don’t joke with social media many people have used it to dethrone governments.”

Lumbuye was allegedly arrested in Turkey from where he was broadcasting his hard-hitting youtube videos targeting the government of Uganda and Buganda Kingdom officials.

According to the Observer Newspaper, the blogger was flown back to Uganda  on 8 August 2021 but the airport manifest for August 7-8 was allegedly confiscated by Special Forces Command (SFC).

According to security sources, Lumbuye arrived in the country aboard Turkish Airlines, which touched down at Entebbe International Airport on Saturday at around 3 am.

He was held at the police station in the passenger terminal for two hours where he was interrogated and whisked off to Kampala. Multiple security sources say that Lumbuye was escorted by Turkish security operatives who took him through immigration and the police station for clearance.

]]> Solomon Muyita resigns as Judiciary Communications Officer, joins Energy Ministry Sun, 15 Aug 2021 09:44:45 +0000 Solomon Muyita has quit his job as the Principal Communications Specialist at the Judiciary.

Muyita officially handed over his office on Friday. He now moves to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development as its new publicist.

“Comrades, on August 13, I officially handed over my duties @JudiciaryUG. It’s been an incredible 6-year journey as Judiciary’s pioneer professional Spox. I want to say #THANKYOU. I will now focus on my new publicist role at @energyministry. Looking forward to the usual support,”Muyita tweeted on Saturday.

Before joining the Judiciary, Muyita worked as Station Manager for now defunct WBS TV (November 2013-December 2014).

He also worked as Corporate and Regulatory Affairs Specialist at British American Tobacco Uganda (Aug 2010 â€" Jul 2013).

Muyita also worked at Daily Monitor and Vision Group as a reporter.

]]> Joseph Sabiti quits NBS TV as he officially takes up his new lucrative job at Parliament Sun, 15 Aug 2021 08:43:25 +0000 Renown political journalist Joseph Sabiti has quit NBS TV.

Sabiti has been the host of the Frontline, a local popular political show aired every Thursday on the Naguru based TV station.

A few days ago, the journalist was appointed as a Principal Press Secretary of the Deputy Speaker of Parliament Anita Among.

“After close to ten years ,I took a decision to quit Journalism and as such at the end of the Month I will be taking a bow ! I’m grateful to you all for giving me a chance because we hold the space in public trust! Thank you Uganda,” Sabiti tweeted on Saturday.

““I won’t say goodbye to my NBS TV family just yet because I’ll be on air doing my best for the next few days. “However, I’ll be on the frontline until the end of the month, so let’s keep the dialogue going on Frontline. To the people who have mentored me over the years thank you ! @proma03 my senga thank you for giving me that first internship slot and Job ! thank you,”he added.

This is second time, Sabiti is quiting NBS TV. In 2019, he left the station after landing a lucrative job at ActionAid Uganda but in 2020 he made a u-turn to rejoin the media house as its Frontline show host.

Sabiti joins fellow senior journalists like
Solomon Serwanjja, Joyce Bagala, Raymond Mujuni,Simon Muyanga Lutaaya among others to resign from their jobs at NBS TV.

]]> I’m the sweetest candidate! Singer Catherine Kusasira reveals why she wants to become EALA MP Sun, 15 Aug 2021 07:54:08 +0000 Singer Cathrine Kusasira has revealed why she wants to stand for East Africa Legislative Assembly (EALA) MP seat.

During an interview on Spark TV’s livewire show on Friday, Kusasira said she is the best and sweetest candidate to take on the EALA seat and she will be running on the NRM flag.

“I was inspired by Hon Muhammad Ssegirinya. His dream to be a legislator came true in spite of many people’s criticism,” said Kusasira who is also the presidential advisor on Kampala affairs. She also disclosed that she has the required academic documents to contest for the post saying she returned to school and has everything she needs to contest. ]]> GAWAYA TEGULLE: Omar Bashir, the ICC and why it would be such a bad idea for Museveni to die now Sun, 15 Aug 2021 07:17:48 +0000 Like many people, Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni does fancy going to heaven; but clearly, again like most people, he does not want to die. It might even be safe to say that His Excellency does not feel able to do so. At 70, the Good Book tells us, the Creator’s contract with man is basically concluded; though there’s a give-or-take-a-few allowance by virtue of which some stray into their 80’s and a little over. You’d therefore expect that a man who is 77 or 78 or 79 should not be bothered by the fact that a few young chaps are announcing him dead.

All he had to do was show up and thereby quench all rumour, and move on to tackle pressing state duties. Instead, the old man, very, very upset, read the Riot Act to security and within a matter of days, an insolent little wasp in Turkey that had been wagging its tiny bum in the president’s face, received a violent swat for its troubles. Prime social media thorn-in-the-flesh, Mr. Fred Lumbuye is not exactly a happy camper just now, as his fate remains unclear.

No proper court of law â€" I said ‘proper’ â€" would convict Lumbuye on all the silly charges the state is claiming to want to prefer against him. Instead, the citizens ought to be keener on inquiring as to why much-needed state resources are being deployed to fight a citizen who is legitimately holding his government accountable and admirably discharging his duty to the nation as a conscientious and patriotic citizen.

Many people that I know were hoping that the news of Mr. Museveni’s demise was true; some were preparing to celebrate and were just waiting for confirmation of the news, to begin merrymaking. Again, nothing illegal about that.

You may raise ethical questions about it, especially in a country highly religious; but absolutely nothing you can do against them from a legal standpoint…unless you appear in Lt. General Andrew Gutti’s court (chap definitely won’t make heaven), where, as we all know, the law is completely beside the point.

A few days after the Lumbuye saga made headline news world over, another bombshell struck, after Sudan said it would be only too happy to hand over its former President Omar el Bashir to the International Criminal Court, ICC, where he is charged with Genocide, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.

When a slave sees a fellow slave being buried in a shallow grave, our fathers always told us, he should know that he will go the same way when his turn comes. The major difference between Mr. Museveni and Bashir is that while Sudan’s erstwhile dictator has no children that we know of, the Tyrant astride the equator does have quite a few.

Otherwise they compare well: coming to power through undemocratic means, sustaining that power through a blend of pseudo-democracy and rigged, comical elections, and unrelenting use of brute force to crush their enemies, regardless of the cost to human life. Two merchants of misery, violence and destruction. The wretchedness that the two men have been responsible for in this region cannot be satisfactorily expressed in the languages of men.

If you look at the accusations against Mr. Museveni in the complaint lodged at the ICC by Dr. Kizza Besigye and The People’s Government and the charges against Mr. Bashir…. you could easily interchange them with no miscarriage of justice occasioned.

This is why, even as we await response from the ICC Prosecutor, it is important that Mr. Museveni stays alive and in sparkling good health â€" which is why some of us love to see him make all those press-ups and powerful runs! For him to die now would be a sad affair; an easy way out for him.

It will be a great day for democracy and justice when we see Mr. Museveni turning up at the International Criminal Court to answer for his deeds…and hopefully, get inmate status at any of the correctional facilities. It will be great for Mr. Museveni to live long enough to see that it is possible for Uganda to move on without him and in fact, finally enjoy genuine democracy and inclusive development.

]]> ORTEGA IAN: Why Museveni must be a mandatory subject for all Secondary School students Sun, 15 Aug 2021 07:05:24 +0000 When I get time off my busy schedule in Nkonkonjeru City, I will embark on writing President Yoweri Museveni’s biography. He is an interesting person to study.

Many think they have understood him, only to get shocked! Everything Museveni does is calculated to perfection. Whether it is his silence, his actions or inactions.

Let me give an example. You may go to State House, present a case and Museveni directs the comptroller to give you money. Now depending on how he says it, the people at State House will know whether it is something to act on or something he said just to keep you happy. A number of people will get annoyed thinking it is State House officials that have denied them the cash, but in actual sense, Museveni indirectly told them not to act on his directive.

Museveni can create a problem, act shocked at the problem then show up with a solution. You think when UPDF beats up the opposition, Museveni is not aware? He will allow it for the time when it is useful to his cause. All through the elections.

When the elections are done, he will show up, act surprised at the barbaric actions, assure everyone that UPDF aka NRA is better than this. Of course this is also an arrangement with the Western powers. Although Museveni is their ally, they also need him to do something to appease the constituencies back home, something to show that he has budged under pressure and promised to take action.

Today’s speech for example is just about that! The normal rinse and repeat! It is not that Museveni is panicking! Far from it! He’s played this game longer than you can imagine. Only an intelligent man holds power for over 30 years.

Unfortunately most of Museveni’s opponents underestimate his abilities. And that is his greatest strength. As for Museveni, he overestimates his opponents, thus plans even better!

Within two minutes of meeting Museveni, he will always know whether you are someone useful to him or useless to his cause. He will know precisely for how long he will keep you close and when he will drop you off. As the rest of the world thinks about today and tomorrow, Museveni is already planning for 2026.

Museveni keeps his cards close to his chest! You can never know what he is thinking, what he is planning. As you think of a Mbabazi return, he will shock you with a Nabbanja!

Museveni must be a mandatory subject for secondary school students!

]]> Stop voting people into political offices basing on tribe, religion- Former Minister Nsaba Buturo cautions Ugandans Sun, 15 Aug 2021 06:54:17 +0000 The Bufumbira East Member of Parliament, Dr. James Nsaba Buturo has blamed the low level of development in Kisoro district on Electorate who vote incompetent people into leadership.

According to the former Ethics Minister, people no longer mind about the capabilities of their leaders as witnessed in the recently concluded elections where many people voted for people who induced them with little money.

Buturo said that as the result, many leaders have resorted to fulfill their own interests instead of serving their electorate.

“And you find a person has become a leader but when he/she is not fit for it, it is another challenge in our country, people are no longer minding about the type of leaders who lead them. A person voting someone because he has been given a little, it is a set back to our leadership,” Dr. Buturo said.

He also cautioned people who vote people into power basing on tribe, relationship and religion because it also limits chances of able and gifted leaders to get a platform of serving their communities.

He also said Kisoro needs leaders with a new thinking who will base on the factors of development. They include education, hard work, parental guidance and good leadership.

]]> Emyooga SACCOs blame slow loan repayment on Covid-19 Sun, 15 Aug 2021 06:36:11 +0000 Emyooga Program beneficiaries in Rubanda West Constituency have cited COVID-19 lockdown as the reason why there is slow repayment of the loans they borrowed from SACCOs.

This was revealed during a stakeholders meeting in which the area Member of Parliament Moses Kamuntu Mwongyera gathered Emyooga Sacco leaders, and officers from Rubanda District Local Government, to find out the challenges affecting Emyooga program implementation.

In Greater Kabale District which includes Rubanda, Rukiga and Kabale, Kamuntu has become the second legislator to make open investigations about Emyooga program as directed by the speaker of parliament, after Kabale Municipality Mp Dr. Nicholas Kamara.

In his report, the Rubanda District Commercial Officer Mukiza Moses Nzeyimana explained that Ugx 530m was dibursed to 17 Emyooga Sacco beneficiaries begining May 2021, yet by 31st July, only 20m had been recovered as loan repayment.

Nzeyimana said his office had recommended that loan payment should be extended from four to six months as grace period for the beneficiaries whose business ventures were affected by the COVID-19 lockdown that was imposed by President Museveni in June 2021.

Nzeyimana’s report was backed by Ms Veny Nyiramugisha, Chairperson of the Women Entreprenuers’ Sacco who explained that out of 16 associations in her group, only 8 borrowed money while others feared because of the short time required to pay back the loans.

Hon. Kamuntu pledged to forward their issues to parliament when he reports back next week. He said it was bad timing that Emyooga money was released to people at a time when most of the businesses were either closed or partially affected by the COVID-19 lockdown.

Meanwhile, the chairperson of Produce dealers said the shs.30m allocated for each Emyooga Sacco was too little for his group since it is made up of many associations.

By April this 2021, Government total funding for Emyooga totalled to 200b released to 6,394 constituency based Saccos in 347 constituences of 146 districts.

MPs are expected to have finished investigations into the program by the end of Tuesday next week when they will report to the speaker about their findings.

]]> Blogger Lumbuye allegedly being held at Gulu Airforce Base Sat, 14 Aug 2021 17:27:03 +0000 Turkey based Ugandan blogger Fred Lumbuye is reportedly being held at Gulu Airforce Base in Northern Uganda.

The Observer Newspaper says the arrested controversial blogger landed at Entebbe International Airport on 8 August, 2021 but the airport manifest for August 7-8 was allegedly confiscated by Special Forces Command (SFC).

According to security sources, Lumbuye arrived in the country aboard Turkish Airlines, which touched down at Entebbe International Airport on Saturday at around 3 am.

He was held at the police station in the passenger terminal for two hours where he was interrogated and whisked off to Kampala. Multiple security sources say that Lumbuye was escorted by Turkish security operatives who took him through immigration and the police station for clearance.

He was taken to the Turkish Embassy for further management until when he was handed over officially to the government.

“Fred Lumbuye is reportedly being held at Gulu Airforce base in northern Uganda as security continues to hunt for 11 of his alleged conspirators who ‘were feeding him with state secrets,” The Observer stated on Saturday.

Earlier today, the National Unity Platform (NUP) Secretary General David Lewis Rubongoya revealed that Lumbuye who was arrested last week might have been brought into Uganda by President Yoweri Museveni’s government using mafia-style.

Responding to the numerous questions and concerns regarding the case of  Lumbuye, Rubongoya said that as NUP, they have tried everything to locate Lumbuye but the efforts are still futile.

” He may still be in Turkey, but he might have been brought into Uganda mafia-style. That is why our efforts have been multi-pronged.As soon as we have new information, it will be shared accordingly,” Rubongoya said.

On Monday, Uganda Police said Lumbuye was not in their custody.

While addressing the media, the force’s spokesperson Fred Enanga said that they however have 15 cases that they will bring against the controversial blogger once he is handed over to them.

“We don’t have Lumbuye but what we have are 15 case files against him. Don’t ask us if he is here or not because we don’t know but as soon as he is handed over to us we are ready, ” Enanga said.

“When he is handed over to us, we shall come out with the full statement. Whether he is in the country or not, as police once he is handed over to us we shall process him with the 15 file cases we have on him,” he added.

The prepared charges he said, include among others spreading harmful propaganda and terrorism videos, inciting violence and other cyber crimes.

Following the arrest , the State Minister for Foreign Affairs Henry Okello Oryem, confirmed to journalists at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs offices in Kampala last Friday that the plane transporting Lumbuye was expected to land the following day at Entebbe International Airport before he is charged with promoting sectarianism and instigating violence.

However, despite the Minister’s confirmation about Lumbuye’s deportation, the blogger is yet to be seen anywhere in Uganda.

]]> Effectively use UPDF resources to excel- CDF Mbadi tells soldiers Sat, 14 Aug 2021 15:19:50 +0000 The UPDF CDF Gen Wilson Mbadi, on Friday 13th Aug 2021, while presiding over the closure of a political orientation course that had been running for 7 months, for Uganda Battle Group XXXIII at Peace Support Operations Training School, Singo in Nakaseke District,encouraged the soldiers to effectively use the resources UPDF has to excel.

This is the 12th pre-mission ideological training since ideological rejuvenation for AMISOM destined battle groups commenced at PSO-TC Singo with BG XXII in June 2017.

Some 2,255 members composing of
in-service soldiers with Uganda Peoples Defence Forces combat arms and services were passed out under the Command of ColL Ezra Byaruhanga.

In attendance was the Commandant ,Brig Gen Bonny Wolimbwa, the Director Political Education Land Forces Col Anatoli Nuwagira, who represented the Chief Political Commisar(CPC), and United Nations Guard Unit (UNGU) Commander Lt Col Mugungu among others.

The objectives of the training were to enhance ideological awareness among the troops and open the members perspective on matters of individual, institutional and national consciousness. To instill conscious displine among the troops especially in mission areas where the UPDF image is paramount.

Through the commissariat, BG XXXIII has gone through a constituted package suitable for troops going for the mission and back to the country.

Packages included the importance of ideological development in UPDF, political economy, revolutionary philosophy, mindset change, history of Uganda since pre-colonial era to date, Uganda’s resources, development and understanding Uganda, subversive tendencies and revolutionary methods of work, family and parentage, financial literacy, counseling and guidance /physcho-social support , ethics and military, patriotism, offences and punishment , ethics and morality and media in operational areas among others.

The CDF in his speech emphasized efficiency and effectiveness as enhancers that enable the UPDF to deliver on its mandate. He went on to say that the highest type of efficiency is that which can utilize the existing material to the best advantage as strategic and operational needs decrease in a resource constrained environment with a cocktail of complexities and challenges that impose limitations on decision makers and implementers.

Furthermore, he gave highlights on mandatory authority, vision 2040 that identifies defence, peace and security as one of the core , UPDF vision and core mission and Uganda’s vision for defence as strategic goal for Uganda to be prosperous by modernizing and causing a metamorphosis of Ugandan society into a middle class, skilled working class and eventually into a knowledge based class among others.

The CDF wished the troops the best in their service for our Motherland, Uganda while on mission in Somalia.


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